Thursday, October 7, 2010

Binary Search Test

Assignment #

import java.util.Random;
import java.util.Arrays;

public class BinaryArray
private int[] data; //array of any value
private static Random generator = new Random();

//create array of any size and fill with random int
public BinaryArray( int size )
data = new int[ size ]; //create space for array

//fill array with int 10-99
for(int i=0; i
data[ i ] = 10 + generator.nextInt( 90 );

Arrays.sort( data );

//preform binary search in data
public int binarySearch( int searchElement )
int low = 0; //low end of search area
int high = data.length - 1; //high end of search area
int middle = (low + high + 1)/2; //middle element
int location = -1; //retunr value; -1 if not found

do //loop to search element
//print remaining elements of array
System.out.print( remainingElements( low, high ) );

//output spaces for alignment
for(int i=0; i
System.out.print( " " );
System.out.println( " * " ); //indicate current middle

//if the element is found at the middle
if(searchElement == data[ middle ])
location = middle; //location is the current middle

//middle element is too high
else if(searchElement
high = middle - 1; //eliminate the higher half
else //middle element too low
low = middle + 1; //eliminate the lower half

middle = (low + high + 1)/2; //recalculate the middle

while( (low <= high) && (location == -1) );

return location; //return location of search key

//method to output certain values in array
public String remainingElements( int low, int high )
StringBuilder temporary = new StringBuilder();

//output spaces for alignment
for(int i=0; i
temporary.append(" ");

//output elements left in array
for(int i=low; i<=high; i++)
temporary.append( data[ i ] + " " );

temporary.append( "\n" );
return temporary.toString();

//method to output values in array
public String toString()
return remainingElements( 0, data.length - 1);


import java.util.Scanner;

public class BinarySearchTest
public static void main( String args[] )
// create Scanner object to input data
Scanner input = new Scanner( );

int searchInt; //search key
int position; //location of search key in array

//create array and output it
BinaryArray searchArray = new BinaryArray( 15 );
System.out.println( searchArray );

//get input from user
System.out.print( "Please enter an integer value (-1 to quit): ");
searchInt = input.nextInt(); //read an int from user

//repeadtedly ubput an integer; -1 terminates the program
while(searchInt != -1)
//use binary search to try to find integer
position = searchArray.binarySearch( searchInt );

//return value of -1 indicates indicates integer was not found
if(position == -1)
System.out.println( "The integer " + searchInt + " was not found.\n" );

System.out.println( "The integer " + searchInt + " was found in position "
+ position + ".\n" );

//get input from user
System.out.print( "Please enter an integer value (-1 to quit): " );
searchInt = input.nextInt(); //read an int from user

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